Year Three/Four


Welcome to our Year 3 and Year 4 class page.


The children have made an excellent start to the school year, making very good progress throughout the Autumn term.



Mrs De Rouffignac is the class teacher from Monday to Friday with Mrs Ansell teaching Science on a Tuesday afternoon.


We have had an exciting term and our learning has included the study of the Romans in history and learning all about Forces and Magnets in Science. 


Our class teachers are Mrs De Rouffignac and Mrs Ansell who are supported by Ms Robertson and Mrs J Tan Sutcliffe.  


This term, our class will be taking part in two P.E. lessons a week including a session with a Pro Sports coach. Please ensure that all children have their full PE kit (named) in school every day for P.E.lessons


Don't forget to bring your reading book and reading diary into school every day.


Our home-learning this year consists of:  daily reading, a weekly spelling list, a  maths retrieval practise and using 'Rockstars' to learn our times tables.  All homework will be set every Friday and the children will need to return it by the following Wednesday. 

How to print worksheets from the Oak National Academy website:-  
1) Please ensure that you are accessing the website through the Chrome Browser and you are logged into an active Google account (school or personal). 
2) As soon as you get to the worksheet section, the Google slides are automatically shared with your Google account. 
3) To access them, navigate to and click on the 'shared with me' button (usually on the left-hand side. You will then see the document from the lesson.
4) Click on the document to open it in a new browser. You will then the see the print icon to set up the printing of the document. 
If you are using an iOS or Android device, the same can be achieved by downloading the Google Chrome app and Google Drive app and logging in with Google account. 
Other useful information