Nursery Consultation

14th July 2017

In consultation with the Diocese of St. Albans and our Local Education Authority, Hertfordshire County Council, the Governors and school leadership team are seeking to formalise the status of our Nursery provision. At the moment, our Nursey is classed under Local Authority provision as “Other 4s”.

In making this change, the only significant difference is that, when formalised, our Nursery provision will be advertised by the Local Authority alongside other schools offering a similar Nursery provision. Under current circumstances, parents approaching the Local Authority for Nursery places within a school setting, are not made aware that Great Gaddesden offers Nursery places.

Please be aware, the proposed change does not impact or change what is currently provided in school.  Nursery applications will still be made to the school in line with the published Nursery admissions policy that is available on the school website or hard copy from the school office.