The Governing Body plays an active role within the school, meeting regularly to provide both challenge and support.Being a Governor of a small village school brings special challenges and commitment to support the school’s leadership team. Governors are very proud of the children and the school, devoting time to their formal commitments and to participating in the life of the school.
The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets at least every half term and there is a resource committee that also meets regularly.
Individual governors additionally take on responsibility for specific areas Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Curriculum and Vulnerable Pupils for example . In these linked roles, they carry out learning walks, pupil voice surveys and discuss the School Development Plan (SDP) with subject leaders. Governors visit regularly and report to fellow governors, these reports are circulated at FGB meetings.
The Governing Body is committed to the continuous improvement in the overall quality of education, including improvements to facilities, buildings, IT and the school infrastructure.
The Governing Body brings together the professional skills and experience from its members. An effective governing body is an essential part of the school’s leadership and management team.
If you would like more information about the work of the Governing Body, please contact our Chair of Governors, Ms Carole Connelly
Name | Role |
(all positions 4 year term)
Ms Carole Connelly
Foundation Governor
Chair of Governors
03/03/19 |
Mr Mick Bell
Foundation Governor
Vice Chair of Governors
Chair of Resource Committee
Mrs Heather Tisbury
Foundation Governor
Safeguarding Governor / SEND Governor
N/A |
Mrs Gemma Williamson
Foundation Governor
Vice Chair of Governors
Pupil Premium
Mr Richard Jones
Parent Governor
Resource Committee
Rev'd John Russell
Ex Officio Governor
Resource Committee.
HT PMD Panel
Mr Matt Beach |
Headteacher (from September 2024)
Mrs Helen Ansell
Staff Governor
Staff Governor
Mr John Bevan
LA Governor
Ms Alex Ellisdon | Foundation Governor |
Governor |
Category |
Attendance 23-24 (FGB) |
Attendance Resources 23-24 |
Carole Connelly |
Foundation |
5/5 |
2/2 |
Sarah Wickens |
Headteacher |
5/5 |
2/2 |
John Russell |
Ex Officio |
4/5 |
1 /2 |
Heather Tisbury |
Foundation |
4/5 |
N/A |
Richard Jones |
Parent |
4/5 |
2/2 |
Helen Ansell |
Staff |
5/4 |
N/A |
Gemma Williamson |
Foundation |
4/5 |
2/2 |
John Bevan |
LA |
1/1 |
N/A |
Alex Ellisdon |
Foundation |
1/1 |
N/A |